50 Signs of spiritual Awakening

More art on my website: (www.annett-bank.co.uk)pastel drawings

  1. Ability to learn new concepts, or languages rapidly increases …this stems from opening to all your soul record and remembering who you are
  2. Making a conscious effort to connect to people through the eyes and the heart
  3. Increasing Gnosis (knowledge of spiritual mysteries)
  4. More frequent flashes of ‘inner-tuition’, or intuition
  5. Disconnection from the white noise and negative information (TV and radio)
  6. Seeking holistic health care practitioners as partners in your healing journey…no longer seeking a doctor to “fix you” with prescription drugs
  7. A feeling of being grounded to the core of the earth.
  8. Knowing that these places within your body are showing you about areas of great opportunity for growth on all levels.
  9. Paying attention to the places of pain/restriction  in your body in order to move into them!
  10. A sense of your own power to create with thought, words, and actions
  11. Activating grace and fluidity of movement through posture and breath
  12. An increasing ability to access inner peace in the lower chakras
  13. Heightened senses of hearing, smell and taste
  14. Becoming more aware of how your body moves through space
  15. An increased interest in exercising in ways that honour your body – mind – spirit connection
  16. A feeling that something has changed within you
  17. You begin to look younger experiencing more vitalityDSC_0995
  18. Seeking new friends and groups who are interested in the Integrated life of the spirit (meaning balance in mind-body-spirit)
  19. Spiritual awakening raises your vibration; this involves a release of blockages which allows abundance to flow to you. Being in alignment with a higher vibration results in quicker and more beneficial manifestations to be received by you.
  20. Greater understanding of symbols, numbers and sacred geometry
  21. Increasing sense of empathy and connection with all people & animals
  22. An increasing willingness to show your emotions to all people, rather than cover up and hide your true self
  23. An increased humor; the ability to laugh at the self
  24. Feelings of bliss when experiencing simple things, such as a sunset, or a seeing a beautiful cloud formation
  25. A returning ability to allow your tears to flow in situations of emotional intensity
  26. Letting go of the need to control outcomes


  27. Giving yourself permission to follow your heart’s desires
  28. “I can and I am” becoming your key words, rather than “I can’t and I am not”
  29. Offering from the heart to help others in times of need, knowing that you are helping yourself
  30. Increasingly seeing the Divine in the mundane
  31. Meeting new people in serendipitous ways and knowing that this is divine direction in your life
  32. Loving yourself as you are without the need to qualify
  33. Asking for and receiving confirmation from your guides on a regular basis
  34. Experiencing true surrender to Divine Will without feeling victimized by your own choices
  35. Remembering your dreams and knowing what your spirit is telling you through the symbolism of your dreams
  36. Seeing the beauty in each and every person in your life
  37. Letting go of expectations of how you think things “should be” and accepting them as they are
  38. Being led by spiritual intuition rather than limited by emotional fear
  39. Being able to transcend limited perceptions of incarnate dimension
  40. Seeing your life experience in the holographic reality of your soulApril 14 035
  41. Feeling God within your body – an awareness of heat coming from your hands and feet.
  42. Knowing that your are home now and in every Now you create
  43. An increase in occurrences of coincidence, better known as synchronicity, favourable people and beneficial circumstance start to appear with exactly what you need. Answers to questions are revealed to you through signs and messages. Synchronicity is a sign you are on the right track and that you are aware of these miracles happening around you. The more you notice and take heed, the more they appear so show appreciation for the guidance you are receiving.
  44. You simply feel different, you may not look any different but you know something has changed internally.
  45. Paying more attention to the details of daily life – your old ways are falling by the wayside and the real you is starting to emerge.
  46. A desire to enroll in a classroom of “higher” learning. Going to new places and moving outside of your comfort zone
  47. For many of you, this is allowing yourself to ask questions in groups, to talk to “strangers” and to let go of your fears of looking uninformed in front of others.
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  49. A feeling that you are somehow different, with new skills and gifts emerging, especially healing ones.
  50. Increased integrity, you realize that it is time for you to seek and speak your truth.
  51. A knowing sense of connectedness / Oneness. You have an abiding knowing from within of the intrinsic inter-relatedness of everything, both living and non-living. You have a sense that now your life is a living manifestation of this Truth, and that you are It — as are all people

52 thoughts on “50 Signs of spiritual Awakening

  1. Amoako says:

    I’m inspired

  2. K.T. says:

    It’s actually what I have been going through… I was almost losing my insanity because of my active mind. The more I was able to express it through my art — the more I moved closer to my higher self.

  3. varungenius says:

    Loved it!! And I probably show all the signs 🙂

  4. mysterygirrl says:

    seriously inspired!!!! 🙂 amazing!!

  5. I have been experiencing these since August at high rates! At first, I thought I was going crazy! Now I see…

  6. starrystez says:

    Reblogged this on A spiritual journey through motherhood, illness and autism and commented:
    Very informative, thanks.

  7. angel angelicc says:

    longest darkest spiritual awakening ever

  8. prodigychild1111 says:

    Reblogged this on rememberwhoweare.

  9. Jessica says:

    I AM HOME!!!

  10. Thanks I truly believe “I am you. You are me”….How beautiful is that!!!

  11. Reblogged this on Joi Dupre, LMT: Therapeutic Massage and commented:
    I found this blog and wanted to share it with you! ENJOY!

  12. Reblogged this on Holistic therapies by Ben Barnett and commented:
    Here is a simple guide to making the most of the opportunity to end the past and open up to the future that the winter Solstice is. This one is Special so make the most of it!

  13. Gabe says:

    I haven’t been able to get good sleep for months. I’m consumed by the thirst for knowledge. These things you describe are all things I’m going through

  14. skillcode says:

    I can relate, I think another important factor to mention would be meditation, that is going to be the “clear” way for all of us to connect to outer worlds and spirits. Great information, nevertheless. If someone is reading this comment and is confused about the dreams he has been getting lately, they are what it says in this list of signs, they are signs that you should learn to translate, in a way they will be telling you things you are missing in life and things you should start practicing. Thank you, bless.

    • Agreed! A correct form of meditation is urgently important to help stabilize one’ understanding of oneself in the objective world. However, all any dream can do is point to one who is dreaming. For there is no-thing revealing in, or about dreams,other than one is unconscious and asleep. . .even when one thinks one is awake! This Consciousness does not know itself, it does not know that it is, and therefore, it assume the role of everything, as well as the dreamer!

      Consciousnesses does not understand that everything is a projection of itself,and that all dreams are but an extension of it activities, masquerading as you, or me; yet, when there is only “I,” or I AM.

      That understanding cannot be forged from books, but from “direct experience of deep, reflective meditation without the interference of thought.

      It is not the dream that we are to interpret, but rather the dreamer! Thank you!

  15. ‘In a world of duality, of familiarity and indifference, just wanting, or learning to “Be,” can often be the most challenging thing in knowing what is, and is not. There are many solutions, however, only one is key: To know thyself. . . to know ones genuineness!
    And, in being that, one leaves no room for questioning, or room for indifference. . . .
    ‘When you are “Yourself,” and do not try to be different, you become different. . . without even trying. . . . I truly enjoyed visiting your post!

  16. I am soooo going through this awakening, and have gotten really interested in spirituality. I`m loving every second of it, it`s amazing! Thank you for liking my post, I`m glad i found you. Besa

  17. julienmatei says:

    Great paintings.
    Really inspiring stuff!

  18. troyeittreim says:

    Hey, great blog. Nice to see like minded folks.

  19. andy1076 says:

    So inspirational and powerful, thank you for making my Friday 🙂

  20. I love this…but I had to ask myself, how much spiritual awakening am I really experience when #3 and the thought of looking younger was appealing motivation?

  21. Magena Fawn says:

    Sometimes a nervous breakdown can mimic a spiritual emergence/emergency and I’ve experienced this so I know it now from the other side and I wouldn’t trade ANY of my experiences. Loving life again! Thank you for sharing.

  22. March on brave one…

  23. kaycers says:

    I get chills when I read things like this. It’s so comforting knowing I’m not alone. That’s the reason my friends and I started our blog to share what’s happening to us as we Awaken. It’s such a wonderful, difficult time.

  24. S.Liesette says:

    Thank you for the numerous signs….. very helpful

  25. I nodded my head in agreement to all of these. Terrific post. Thank you for this, especially today… 🙂 —Jadi

  26. Nina says:

    love this list! am exploring more than a few of these elements in my blog. Hope you’ll stop by http://reimaginepeace.wordpress.com

  27. Ajaytao2010 says:

    I Nominate you for a Super Bunch of Awards – 30 Nominations
    please choose any 3 awards out of the 30
    accept it and oblige

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  28. chairyhest says:

    Fabulous post.
    🙂 🙂 🙂

  29. chairyhest says:

    Fabulous post.

  30. megan says:

    the power of having such high intution expiriences is the best feeling i have ever felt. mine is so powerful i tend to feel like its my mind going crazy cause i feel like how can i pinpoint whats happening or whats gonna happen before it does. it has helped me in my own personal expieriences that i spread the wealth and am able to connect emotionally on anybodys level like it happened to me before. i love it and use it in positvive ways.

  31. unitedmmcart says:

    Wonderful Thanks for posting this… right on time. It just go to show you that everything happens for a reason. Peace

  32. Great list. Thank you for sharing. Namaste

  33. I am amazed and honoured to have read sense by someone who can take a world of confusion and pinpoint it in 50 paragraphs of truth of the emotion and signs,such as connecting through the eyes to the soul, and having higher knowledge, and most of all the synchronism of symbols in nature and in mind… i am very glad to have found your blog thank you for sharing your knowledge, it has inspired me to enhance my own 🙂 i think i am seeking mine or obsessing, one of the two 😉

  34. Reblogged this on Healing Your Heart! and commented:
    Found this while wandering the community. Very interesting list for anyone curious to their journey and just what an awakening can mean to them.

  35. Morgan says:

    This is so wonderful …thank you 🙂

  36. Phillip says:

    Thank you, all made so much sense to whats been happening to me from December 2012. It would be nice to make friends and connect with others on the same path.

  37. artourway says:

    Lovely ideas and I have met and spoken to people who heal this way. One man said that he did not even know how he did it. My close friend was healed by him.

  38. E.D. says:

    I think the most likely link to awakening is where one is not attached – to anything. To be totally free and liberated. To be totally in the heart and beyond the senses.. Not sure I am reading that here. But will read tomorrow.. Perhaps I am misreading, if so, I am sorry.

  39. E.D. says:

    sorry my comment went a little wonky.. here is a website I would suggest. On true awakening, I believe, there has to be total abandonment of self – and a real feeling that one is here to serve others, with no thought to the self.. http://www.researchersoftruth.org/ -but I am tired and cannot explain well. The website is so much better at explaining.. Three books I would suggest are Fire In the Heart K.Markides – Fire In The Belly, same author.. The Magus Of Strovolos. I would also suggest Anandamayi Ma who teachings are on line.. thanks so much.. very best –

  40. Frank says:

    It’s simply so great to be with “FAMILY” at this time. WE ARE ONE, WE ARE LOVE… WE ARE LIGHT. As they would say, “I’ve experienced all the above. (Symptoms that is.) But at the same time, am ever so greatfull for the opportunity to “BE”, and to “SERVE HUMANITY.” 🙂 Namaste’, Everyone… Namaste’.

  41. Rosanna says:

    Great post, and what lovely works of art!

  42. emiliaciepla says:

    I’ve experienced most of them. I’m glad I’m not alone. I wish all people would find the Light and Bliss that comes from within and that they are looking for 🙂

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